Announcement for the Day! | Unsplash by AbsolutVision
Announcement for the Day! | Unsplash by AbsolutVision
Gov. Inslee spent much of Friday in Chelan County. He explained that when he visits communities he likes to give his state Apple Pin to one person who stands out to him.
Friday, that was Christina Bias, outpatient program manager at the Center for Alcohol and Drug Treatment in Wenatchee. Christina shared her personal story of sobriety with the governor. She arrived at the Center first as a patient and will mark 24 years of sobriety in March. Since 2003, she has been working at the Center, helping others find sobriety. Christina was honored as the Washingtonian of the Day!
We congratulate her and thank her for being a remarkable representative of Chelan County and the state!
Original source can be found here.