Weekly Construction Update – As part of the Richland Airport Electrical Replacement Project, the Port will be issuing these weekly construction updates to keep the Airport users as
well informed as possible in our attempt to limit the impact on airport users.
Construction Schedule for the week of August 15, 2022
The contractor has moved to the west end of Runway 8-26 for most of their work this week. Runway 8-26 and Taxiway B will be closed Monday morning, August 15 beginning at 6
a.m., and will be signed closed at both ends of the runway intersection.
Navigation lights on 8-26 and Taxiway B will continue to be off until the end of September.
Runway 8-26 will be reopened for the weekend no later than 4 p.m., Friday, August 19th.
The contractor may be crossing Runway 1-19 at Taxiway B, however, this should be very limited.
Portions of Taxiway B, east of Runway 1-19 will remain closed for the weekend to facilitate construction, however, full use of Runway 8-26 will still be available.
Pilots should continue to use caution when taxiing and during landings/takeoffs.
Also, please note that the FAA-controlled Medium Intensity Approach Lighting System (MALS) off the end of Runway 19 is temporarily out of service due to an underground wiring
failure. In order to keep Runway 1-19 fully opened, the repair to the MALS will not happen until after September 6th during the intersection closure.
Weekly Construction Update – As part of the Richland Airport Electrical Replacement Project, the Port will be issuing these weekly construction updates to keep the Airport users as
well informed as possible in our attempt to limit the impact on airport users.
Construction Schedule for the week of August 15, 2022
The contractor has moved to the west end of Runway 8-26 for most of their work this week. Runway 8-26 and Taxiway B will be closed Monday morning, August 15 beginning at 6
a.m., and will be signed closed at both ends of the runway intersection.
Navigation lights on 8-26 and Taxiway B will continue to be off until the end of September.
The contractor may be crossing Runway 1-19 at Taxiway B, however, this should be very limited.
Portions of Taxiway B, east of Runway 1-19 will remain closed for the weekend to facilitate construction, however, full use of Runway 8-26 will still be available.
Pilots should continue to use caution when taxiing and during landings/takeoffs.
Also, please note that the FAA-controlled Medium Intensity Approach Lighting System (MALS) off the end of Runway 19 is temporarily out of service due to an underground wiring
failure. In order to keep Runway 1-19 fully opened, the repair to the MALS will not happen until after September 6th during the intersection closure.
Original source can be found here.